Friday the 13th – New Update From Brad Fuller
One third of Platinum Dunes, producer Brad Fuller, recently sat down with Shock Till You Drop to dish some details on the latest Friday the 13th film headed our way. Read on for the skinny!
“I could just say that for a long time we were stalled,” Fuller tells Shock regarding the script. “I think you guys reported that the movie was going to be a found footage movie, and that was a road that we went down and tried to figure out. Ultimately, I think [fellow producers] Michael [Bay], Drew [Form], and I felt that we couldn’t figure that out so we kind of jettisoned that whole notion, and we had to start over. We’re in the latter phases of that starting over, and hopefully we’re getting a script in the next month or two, and we’ll go back to Crystal Lake.”
Fuller continues, “At the end of the day, those movies are so fantastic because Jason Voorhees is such a dynamic presence and people love to see him do what he does well. We hope to put Jason in a situation where he’s able to do that again and it doesn’t feel like you’re seeing the same thing over and over.”
“Hannibal” screenwriter Nick Antosca will be the one penning the future exploits of Jason Voorhees for The Signal director David Bruckner, Platinum Dunes, and Paramount Pictures. Michael Bay, Andrew Form, and Brad Fuller of Platinum Dunes are producing.
Paramount is aiming for a Friday, May 13, 2016, release. More soon!