Go Nowhere with this Clip from Supernatural Season Finale Episode 10.23 – Brother’s Keeper

Tomorrow night is the season finale of “Supernatural,” and while we hope that it wraps up the Mark of Cain storyline once and for all, here’s a new clip from Episode 10.23, “Brother’s Keeper,” in which threatening Rowena gets Sam nowhere fast.
“Supernatural” Episode 10.23 – “Brother’s Keeper” (airs 5/20/15, 9PM)
SUPERNATURAL SEASON FINALE — Dean (Jensen Ackles) makes a shocking decision regarding the Mark of Cain that would change not only his life, but Sam’s (Jared Padaleck) too. Meanwhile, Crowley (Mark Sheppard) and Rowena (guest star Ruth Connell) face off, and Castiel (Misha Collins) gets caught in the middle. Phil Sgriccia directed this episode written by Jeremy Carver.
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