Valve is Left 4 Dead


Art for Valve's Left 4 DeadWe like Valve Software because Valve Software likes zombies. It’s the zombies that make the world of Half Life feel like the kind of place that horror fans should be visiting, so it’s no major surprise that Valve has just announced a new game that yet again lets you take on gaming’s favourite enemies (thanks to Gamespy for the story). The game? Left 4 Dead.

That number isn’t just a case of “look how hip we are, we put a number in there instead of a word” either. The game, being built using the latest version of Valve’s Source engine, is an online co-op multiplayer affair, presumably featuring four characters, which the artwork seems to support. I love co-op. I love killing zombies. This is a good mixture. Hell, I played the terrible Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddler’s Green for hours in its multiplayer zombie killing mode.

Valve is working on it with Turtle Rock Studios, who made the AI bots for Counter-Strike, and Turtle Rock is promising that Left 4 Dead is going to do for co-op games what Counter-Strike did for multiplayer action games.

Hopefully that doesn’t mean “fill them with people using cheats and twelve-year-olds calling you a cheating fag”.

Right now the game is slated for PC and will presumably be available through Valve’s online distribution software Steam. When we have more information, you know where to find it!


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