Michael Rooker Participates in The Belko Experiment

Shooting begins next month on The Belko Experiment, written by James Gunn (Guardians of the Galaxy, Slither) and directed by Greg McLean (Wolf Creek, Wolf Creek 2). Read on for the latest casting news.
James Gunn took to his Facebook page to announce that Michael Rooker has joined the cast. As per Gunn…
We’ve done three movies, two reality shows, a video game and a web series together, been on a bromantic trip to Paris with just the two of us, and spent many nights as the last two maniacs at a party, so did you ever think there was any possibility that my pal Michael Rooker would not be cast in our horror/action/thriller ‘The Belko Experiment,’ especially when it’s been comprised of such overwhelming talent? Of course not.
Rooker plays Bud Melks, the head of maintenance in the Belko building. He’s not a racist thug like Merle in The Walking Dead, and he doesn’t have a flying arrow like Yondu in Guardians of the Galaxy – in fact, he’s a pretty nice guy – so he’s ill-equipped to deal with the mysterious forces who start making all of the employees in Belko start killing each other unless they want to be killed themselves.
Rooker joins John Gallagher, Jr., Tony Goldwyn, Melonie Diaz, and John C. McGinley.