Craven Ready to Play?

Rumblings have been heard about this off and on for a while now, but some official word came down from Game Spot today about an original video game Nightmare on Elm Street director Wes Craven is working on. How official is this word? From the mouth of Craven himself.
Craven was booked to speak at the first annual MI6 game marketing conference, and after giving his speech he did a brief interview with a San Jose reporter wherein he made mention that he was in talks to create an original game but clammed up on any details. Though it’s unlikely it will be anything Nightmare related, I don’t think we should discount the possibility just yet. New Line holds that series very close to its vest, but if the rumblings about a possible Nightmare prequel are true, a video game would be a great cross promotion.
We’ll continue digging as best we can and let you know as soon as we hear some more details!
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