David Duchovny Talks Fantastic New X-Files Script


Okay, X-philes, this one’s for you! Entertainment Weekly caught up with “The X-Files” star David Duchovny to talk about what fans can expect when the series returns to Fox next year.

I just read it [the script] about an hour ago, and I started crying reading the first page,” says Duchovny. “It was just so strange to see the names on the page. It had nothing to do with the script itself. It was just like, I’d been talking about this for a long time. We’d been planning it for a long time. It took a long time to get all the people in the same place and get the deal with Fox. So let’s say two years we’ve been talking about doing it. Now it’s the fun part. Now we actually get to do it. That was nice and strangely emotional for me, and I’ll have to figure out how to use that [in the performance].

Even cooler? Duchovny says he’s open for more after this return.

I would be open to doing another cycle. I don’t know that I could do a 20-episode version of this show at this point in my life, and I don’t know that Gillian could. But I think everybody is open-ended on what happens after this. Certainly, we didn’t bring it back with the idea of ending it.

David Duchovny

Returning actors announced thus far include stars Duchovny and Gillian Anderson (Mulder and Scully) plus Mitch Pileggi (FBI Assistant Director Walter Skinner) and William B. Davis (Cigarette-Smoking Man).

“The X-Files” originally premiered in September 1993. Over the course of its nine-season run, the influential series went from breakout sci-fi favorite to massive global hit and became one of the most successful television dramas of all time. The show earned 16 Emmy Awards, five Golden Globes, and a Peabody Award. Look for “The X-Files” to open on Fox Sunday, January 24, 2016.



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