Adria Arjona and Owain Yeoman Join The Belko Experiment

Two more additions to the cast of The Belko Experiment have come via James Gunn on Facebook as Adria Arjona and Owain Yeoman have joined the ever-growing cast.
As per Gunn…
Adria Arjona (pictured) will be playing one of the most pivotal characters in the film, Leandra Jerez, an American of Colombian descent who works as Barry Norris’ Chief Executive Assistant. You may have not seen much of Adria yet, but she has a big role in the upcoming second season of “True Detective.” We did a huge amount of auditions for Leandra, from newcomers to extremely recognized names, and Adria came in and blew us all away.
Then we have my old friend Owain Yeoman (pictured). Owain will be playing Terry Winters, a British family man, whose relationship to his family at home versus the close friendships he has in Belko are set against each other. You may know Owain from his long run on “The Mentalist” or his role in American Sniper. I’ve known him personally for nearly ten years, and we’ve wanted to work together all that time. Finally, we’ve gotten our chance with Belko. He truly killed at the table read the other day.
They join the previously announced Michael Rooker, John Gallagher, Jr., Tony Goldwyn, Melonie Diaz, and John C. McGinley. Filming is set to begin next week in Bogota, Colombia, with Wolf Creek director Greg McLean at the helm.