Dolph Lundgren Sails in on Shark Lake Trailers

The fact that Dolph Lundgren stars in a movie entitled Shark Lake is reason enough to get me to watch it. If you’re in my same boat, then read on for a pair of trailers.
Jerry Dugan directs with Robert Kurtzman handling the visual effects.
Meredith Hendricks (Sara Malakul Lane) happens to be the best cop in her quiet town on Lake Tahoe. When a black market exotic species dealer named Clint (Dolph Lundgren) is paroled from prison, something he let loose begins to make its presence known. Swimmers and land-lovers alike begin to become part of the food chain at an unbelievable rate. Meredith and her team discover that they’re not just hunting one eating machine, but a whole family of them. Not everyone will make it out alive, but those who do will never forget this summer at Shark Lake.