Hannibal Cast Members Tease What to Expect in Season 3

We’ve seen lots of photos of them lately, and now finally we get to hear from the cast members of “Hannibal.” Mad Mikkelsen, Hugh Dancy, Laurence Fishburne, Caroline Dhavernas, Gillian Anderson, Scott Thompson, and Aaron Abrams all recorded some soundbites teasing what to expect in the upcoming Season 3 including learning a bit more about both Hannibal’s and Bedelia’s pasts, Jack’s suffering, the slow build, and lots more.
So settle in, and join us as we anxiously await the S3 premiere episode, “Antipasto,” airing just one week from today!
“Hannibal” Episode 3.01 – “Antipasto” (6/4/15; 10-11 PM)
HANNIBAL IS ON THE RUN – EDDIE IZZARD AND ZACHARY QUINTO GUEST STAR – Having successfully escaped FBI capture, Hannibal Lecter (Mads Mikkelsen) is moving through the European landscape, with Bedelia Du Maurier (Gillian Anderson) in tow. But Dr. Lecter’s old habits and opulent tastes are still on display as he settles into a new identity and life in Florence, Italy, working at the Palazzo Capponi museum. Glimpses into the past help inform his relationship with Bedelia, a pairing not clearly defined as friend or foe. Tom Wisdom and Jeremy Crutchley also guest star.
For more info be sure to visit “Hannibal” on NBC.com, “like” “Hannibal” on Facebook, and follow “Hannibal” on Twitter.