Jaws Discovered in Australia – The Gasp Menagerie


We should rename this The Buz Menagerie after our resident Jaws fanatic Mr. Wallick. The Telegraph tells us that they’ve found Jaws, where else, in Australia. It’s 16 feet of Great White Shark, weighing in at 3600 pounds. (So almost two tons.)

They named it “Joan of Shark” when it was detected by satellite coming close to one of the most popular beaches in southwest Australia, Ellen Cove. Thankfully, the folks at Ellen Cove were smarter than the doomed Amity residents and authorities closed the beach till the beast was caught.

Joan of Shark

The Great White Shark was the largest of its kind to be electronically tagged off the coast of Australia Photo: Australian Department of Fisheries

They captured the beast and put a more sophisticated tracking tag on it that’ll let us know where she is for at least a decade. That’s a good thing, as Roy Scheider may still have family out there somewhere.

The story says the monster was drawn to the area because she smelled a distressed humpback whale. I prefer to believe she smelled the entire Perth region and all of the two-legged snacks that insist on jumping in water shared by large bitey things like this critter.

I just can’t believe they let it go. Do they think they made friends with it? Tamed it in some way? They captured it on the way to a whale and swimmer buffet after shooting a tracking dart into her, then shoved a better tracker into her stomach. I’m guessing that now she’s done tracking whales and is ready to start a strict human and small boat diet.

If the Jaws films taught us nothing, it’s that we should never underestimate the grudge a shark can hold.

Have a weird story? Potential evidence of the supernatural, or at least something hard to explain? Spot any creepy critters out there roaming the wilds? LET ME KNOW! I’d love to talk about it and possibly write it up right here in the Gasp Menagerie. You’ll get appropriate credit, of course, and everyone else will get fresh creepy (as opposed to fresh Creepy, which, trust me… nobody wants that) to enjoy. As always, I can be found at mrdark@dreadcentral.com. Now get out there, find some weird, and let’s get this party started.

The Gasp Menagerie

