Get Locke and Key for Cheap in the Humble IDW Books Bundle

This week’s Humble Bundle features a slew of cool stuff from Top Shelf and IDW Productions. Thematically focusing on the strange and fantastic, the centerpiece of the bundle is the critically acclaimed Locke & Key volumes. I took a moment with each part of the bundle but found myself ravenously finishing Locke and Key.
The graphic novel tells the story of the Locke family, Ty, Kinsey, and Bode, as their life is uprooted to Lovecraft, Massachusetts, by their father’s murder. At first it felt like a pure slasher comic with the story of serial killer Sam and his journey to find and kill the Locke children, but it quickly evolved into so much more. Locke and Key delves into the realm of fantasy and Lovecraftian magic by introducing the enchanting and sometimes horrifying magic keys.
These keys, manifestations of the dark power of the mansion in which the lion’s share of the story takes place, possess unique and fantastic abilities that allow the characters to enter their own minds, transform, and travel. It’s a plot element that completely transformed the compelling mystery narrative into an entertaining fantasy experience. The fantastic nature of the magic mansion relieves tension from the sinister horror elements in the main plot line. The innocent and playful moments, especially surrounding the playful youngest son Bode (who channels a very entertaining Calvin and Hobbes vibe), add a welcome contrast to the abrupt and detached violence perpetrated by the antagonist(s).
It’s very encouraging to have what I would call lighthearted fun mixed in with a painful murder. It added a depth of mystery I wasn’t prepared for. What dark horrible creature lies beneath the world of Key house? This is the true fun of a Lovecraftian horror. It takes a human story and slowly over time incorporates evil, mystery, and insanity until you are dragged to the darkest realms of human imagination. There’s no telling what lies beyond the omega door unless you pick up the series and take the right for yourself. I could very well have an over-active imagination. Leave it to a fanboy to always bet on the resurgence of an elder god.
Conceptually I wasn’t prepared for the fantasy-horror-mystery sub-genre, but it took me surprise. Alone, Locke and Key makes the bundle worth the buy, but you also get some memorable fun with an issue of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. The March series makes an appearance, and there’s even a little time travel thrown in to satisfy the more science fiction inclined fans.
The question we should really ask ourselves is: Why should we bundle? We do it in the support of the new, to be shown what others have enjoyed, and of course because of that quiet voice in the back of our minds that tells we want it all. With the basic price being just a penny and everything unlocking at $19.52, it is easy to indulge all of these desires for one low price. Check it out now by clicking here before it is too late!