iZombie: Recap of Season Finale Episode 1.13 – Blaine’s World; Teaser for Season 2


The season finale of “iZombie” (Episode 1.13, “Blaine’s World”) brings us right back into the world of the villainous Blaine and his hulking sidekick Julien. They’ve still got Major locked away in a freezer and are hunting for the brains the man stole a few episodes ago. Major, as anyone who’s been watching knows, isn’t eager to cooperate.


We jump right over into our latest case, directly tied to the ongoing Max Rager investigation. We’ve got a dead woman on the slab, and Liv knows – or knew – the woman. Liv consumes her brains, and Ravi celebrates the fact that the rat he’s been working with on a cure is still kicking and in good shape. Liv is eager to undergo treatment if it will transform her into the standard human she once was. The cure Ravi has is in extremely minimal supply, however, and Liv puts the treatment on hold.

A vision for Liv supports the idea that the recent murder is Max Rager related, and Clive kicks the investigation into overdrive. Meanwhile, the bigwigs at Max Rager are admiring their work, (seemingly) loving the fact that they’ve launched a zombie outbreak, as crazy as that sounds. They also find themselves soon being interviewed by Liv and Clive.

Vaughn – Max Rager’s head honcho – realizes that the zombie issue could bring his operation down to the ground, and he’s looking to get whatever it is in their energy drink that seems to be changing people removed. He may be a sadistic fellow at heart, but he’s clearly not ignorant.

Liv and Clive are still working to solve the current situation, tracking a missing youngster by the name of Cameron who likely holds some valuable information, but they’re not having the best of luck. Neither is Major, who’s being toyed with and antagonized, constantly prodded by the desperate Blaine. And then Liv and Clive get the break they need when they spot Cameron himself on a traffic cam. Cameron’s on the move, exchanging some information (on a flash drive) for big bucks with a mysterious woman. Moments later, when he’s leaving, his car explodes. Close call for the rogue, but he isn’t going to make it too far, as the money he’s picked up contains a tracking device in his bag. Not that it matters; he’s apprehended by law enforcement in a matter of minutes.

Next thing we know, Cameron is in the investigation room, where he lays out the entire murder plot. But the revelation is instantly overshadowed by Blaine, who gets his hands on Major’s phone and subsequently gets in contact with Liv. He makes it clear: He wants his brains, or Major is a dead man. Liv makes a trade with Blaine, brains for Major, but she gets duped and walks away without the man she once planned to marry.

The episode’s subplot totes quite a bit more intrigue than the actual homicide case. We know Vaughn is a scumbag, and we know there’s something in the Max Rager drinks that’s sending people into an uncontrollable rage. We know that Vaughn is aware that his business’ dark secrets are floating about, and we know he’ll do what he must to sever any hazardous ties or loose ends. But we don’t know if Major is going to survive his unfortunate meeting with Blaine, and that’s what’s got us on the edge of our seats.


And then we get an awesome spin. Major makes a move to escape, taking out one of Blaine’s hooligan employees, retrieving a cache of firepower from his car’s trunk, and returning to open fire on the shop in which he’s been held hostage. He goes batshit crazy and slaughters Blaine’s crew with relative ease. The operation just took quite the hit, as Blaine and Julien are the only two remaining.

A moment later Julien gets blown to pieces by a hand grenade. But Major is surprised by Blaine, who buries a knife in the man’s belly. He’s left for dead, and Liv arrives in the nick of time, putting a bullet in Blaine. He’s still alive, and he pleads to stay that way, informing her that if she kills him, the city will go to hell as the zombie food supply will dry up and the apocalypse will break loose on the streets.

It’s a three-way discussion now among Liv, Blaine, and the dying Major. Blaine tells Major that Liv is a zombie. Liv in turn injects Blaine with the remedy that Ravi has been working on (she’s got it tucked away on her person), which means we’ll soon know if a) it works in healing the zombie virus, and b) Blaine will survive the treatment. As Major fades away, Liv makes a huge decision: She scratches him in order to save his life… for lack of a better turn. It looks like she’ll soon have the zombie love she’s been searching for.

The police chief descends on the meat shop and rushes to cover up the massacre. Back at Liv’s place she’s nurturing Major, who is now becoming a zombie quite rapidly. The two have a conversation about the affliction, and it isn’t all too pleasant. Major is pissed off and rightfully so.

The episode comes to a close as Liv’s brother shows up at the meat shop, preparing for his first day at a new job. But the police chief is still inside, and he blows the place apart to cover the whole mess up. Liv’s brother, standing directly outside the shop, absorbs the explosion at point blank range. He survives, but he’s in horrific shape and needs blood. Liv is a match, but that’s obviously not a possibility. On the plus side, a quick look at Blaine supports the idea that Ravi’s remedy is effective, as he’s becoming human again – and he isn’t dead – and Liv seizes the opportunity, taking some of the cure and injecting Major, thus reversing his zombie infection.

It’s an emotional close to Season 1 of “iZombie.” While a few issues have been resolved, there is now a string of new conflicts brewing. And Peyton, Liv’s roommate, is still unaccounted for. Liv’s personal life has been gradually becoming far more interesting than the weekly cases themselves. This episode, in fact, is a perfect example as the homicide case is so rushed (in order to clear some room for the meat on the bone, Major’s troubles with Blaine), it feels a bit murky and confusing. Here’s hoping Season 2 digs much deeper into Liv’s own obstacles rather than the murder cases piling up in Seattle. Liv is the star of the show, and we want more of who she is and a little less of what she does.

Check out next season’s teaser below, and we’ll see you in the fall! For more info in the meantime, visit “iZombie” on CWTV.com, “like” “iZombie” on Facebook, and follow “iZombie” on Twitter.




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