Exclusive First Details: Death House Will Be a Hardcore Monster Movie

We’ve got exciting movie news on tap for you today, and though we can’t share too many details at the moment, we can say that we’ve read the full plot breakdown for this one and we absolutely cannot wait for it to become a reality. So step inside the Death House, where further info awaits!
We are delighted to exclusively report today that B. Harrison Smith will be directing Death House, based on a script that was penned by none other than Gunnar “Leatherface” Hansen. Originally envisioned as “The Expendables of Horror,” the film was rewritten by Smith to be a supercharged beast, and oh boy, does it sound badass.
From what Smith tells us, the new script for Death House combines the grittiness of Assault on Precinct 13 with the gore of Saw and the action of Jurassic Park – minus the dinosaurs, he’s quick to point out. Smith also notes that films like Escape from NY, Resident Evil, and even The Wizard of Oz served as inspirations for the tale.
Smith says his monster movie is “gore-soaked, violent, and horridly dark,” and his hope is that Death House will eventually become a full-fledged horror franchise. Best of all, he’s not asking for any money from us fans. The movie is fully funded, and it’s slated to shoot mid-August.
All we can say, for now, is that Death House sounds like one hell of a monster movie, and the cast is expected to be comprised of both big name stars as well as beloved horror icons.
“This will not be a gimmick horror film,” Smith promises us. “No satire. Straight up nasty horror.” The film will be coming to us from the Entertainment Factory and executive producers Rick Finkelstein and Steven Chase.
We’ll report more as soon as we’re able to!