She Kills in New Trailer

Many years ago my life was changed. Not by some tragedy or epiphany, but by a movie so wretched and boring it lives in infamy as what is no doubt the worst movie I have ever seen. Of course I speak of Ron Bonk’s Strawberry Estates, and now, as reported earlier… THE BONK IS BACK! It’s trailer time!
Don’t get me wrong… Ron is a great guy and a gentleman, and I’m sure he’s learned a thing or 10k about filmmaking since that flick was unleashed upon my forever scarred psyche. Even I have to admit his latest effort, She Kills, looks like a boatload of fun.
Written and directed by Bonk, the film stars Jennie Russo, Trey Harrison, Michael Merchant, Jody Pucello, David Royal, and Martha Zemsta.
Sadie’s life is destroyed when a vicious gang called “The Touchers” targets her for their sadistic fantasies after witnessing her sexy but innocent naked frolicking in a nearby field. On her wedding night they attack her and her husband, Edward, brutalizing both of them. But during the attack the virgin bride discovers a dangerous secret about her body – she is cursed with the legendary “Fire Crotch,” a condition where Satan has laid claim to her vagina. After visiting her fortune teller friend Casparella, a space exorcism is attempted on her meat flaps, but it only ends up unlocking secret hidden powers inside her. Her hatchet wound becomes lethal, her most deadly weapon in her thirst for revenge against The Touchers and her fight against lustful men everywhere!