Rest in Peace: Christopher Lee

This is truly the end of an era. The last of horror’s Hollywood greats is no longer with us as Sir Christopher Lee has passed on at age 93.
Lee died this past Sunday, June 7th, at Westminster Hospital in London, where he had been treated for respiratory problems and heart failure over the preceding three weeks. Lee’s wife, Gitte Kroencke, decided to release the news later so that family could be informed first.
To say that Lee was a towering legend in his field is an understatement. He appeared in more than 250 movies and TV shows over the years and has donned the role of everyone from Frankenstein’s Monster and of course Dracula to Saruman in the The Lord of the Rings films. It didn’t matter if he was singing on heavy metal Christmas CDs, playing Count Dooku in the Star Wars universe, or even lending his unmistakable voice to video games like Kingdom Hearts, as fans we hung on every word.
We are thankful for every syllable to spill eloquently from his lips and every single frame of film. There will never be another like Sir Christopher Frank Carandini Lee, and while we are deeply saddened to see him go, he’s created more than his fair share of memories for us to all hold on to.
At this time we here at Dread Central would like to offer our sincerest of condolences to Lee’s family, friends, and constituents. Godspeed, good sir. You’ll never… ever… be forgotten.