E3 2015: New SOMA Trailer Tells Us The Worst Part Of Dying

Of all the games I have the opportunity to get some time with at E3 2015, I am most excited to publicly shit myself over SOMA. I have been a fan of Frictional Games since Penumbra: Overture changed what I knew about physical interaction in games, and when Amnesia: The Dark Descent came out the game became a household name. Their calculated release of information regarding the long developed SOMA speaks to the company’s aptitude for teasing and tension that leaves fans hungry for more both in game and out. Well today, my fellow horror gaming fans, the folks at Frictional have seen fit to appease your hunger with this morsel of a trailer for E3 2015.
From the Official Press Release:
Following last week’s release date announcement and gameplay video for SOMA, Frictional Games is releasing yet another trailer in advance of E3 2015.
Coming to PC and PlayStation 4 on September 22nd, SOMA is the next sci-fi horror experience from Frictional Games, creators of the genre-defining Amnesia and Penumbra series.
Something is happening in PATHOS-2. Communications have gone dark. Key personnel have gone missing or been declared dead in preceding weeks, and the machines are acting… strangely, almost human.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MN8gw6S4kM]
And just in case you missed the gameplay trailer a couple weeks ago, no one loves you quite like Ted does:
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syhcF0Mx0j0]
With no exaggeration, I am more eager to see how this turns out than a one member short Craigslist orgy. People were a bit let down by Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs, which was developed by The Chinese Room and only published by Frictional. We’ve all been wondering if lightning could strike twice for the respected indie horror devs. Don’t get me wrong, I liked Penumbra, but it was Amnesia that made us forget about what horror games were before that.
With how long SOMA has taken to come out with content, I was a bit worried it might be the failed overly ambitious swan song from a studio with more dreams than cash, but it looks like those fears were unwarranted. These trailers look incredible, and the unique setting and promise of a terrifying world give my hopes wings I normally clip. They might yet reveal themselves to be shamans, because it seems that in this case, lightning just might have struck twice.
Categorized:Horror Gaming News