Read an Exclusive Excerpt from The Library at Mount Char; Enter to Win a Copy!


Out today, June 16th, is The Library at Mount Char, the debut novel from Scott Hawkins published by Crown; and as promised when we first told you about the book, we have an exclusive excerpt to share.  Not only that, but you can also enter to win a copy for yourself!  We have two to give away to a pair of lucky DC readers.

The Library at Mount Char is equal parts gripping contemporary fantasy, riveting thriller, and vivid horror. Yet, Hawkins’ masterful new novel is also marked by a deadpan, darkly playful sense of humor with a quirky cast of characters including a Buddhist burglar-turned-plumber, a lion named Naga, a war hero who insists on being called Erwin, and the most terrifying killer ever to don a tutu.

CLICK HERE to read our exclusive excerpt.

Want to take a chance on winning a copy? Just send an email to [email protected] including your FULL NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS. We’ll take care of the rest.

Please note this contest is open only to US residents and will end at 12:01 AM PT on June 22, 2015.

On the morning of the day she would later call “adoption day,” Carolyn was very much like any other eight-year-old girl. She woke up in her bedroom in her parents’ house in their neat little suburban subdivision of Garrison Oaks, had a bowl of Frosted Flakes, and helped her mother make a big batch of potato salad for that day’s Labor Day picnic. She did not know, as she mixed the ingredients into the bowl, that she and many of her neighbors would soon be orphaned, then forced into an apprenticeship that would teach them the secrets of the universe.

The man she would learn to call Father could do strange things. He could call light from darkness and raise the dead. He raised Carolyn and her dozen adopted siblings to study his ancient catalogs, catalogs that imparted some of the secrets of his equally ancient power. They learned to resurrect, to speak to animals, to know futures that would never be, and to speak the languages of the world, Carolyn studying English, French, and Japanese studied alongside the language of storms. When they disobeyed, the consequences were terrible.

Sometimes they wondered whether their cruel tutor might be God.

But now Father is missing, and if he truly is gone, the only thing that matters is who will inherit his library—and with it, the power over all of creation. As Carolyn prepares for the battle to come, what she doesn’t realize is that her victory will require a heartbreaking sacrifice. 

The Library at Mount Char jacket



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