E3 2015: Bright Lights, Big Conference – The Sights and Sounds from the Floor

Holy shit, I went to E3. It’s one of those sentences that I thought I would write at the pinnacle of my career. Every teenager has dreams of going to the largest gaming conference in the world, and getting in that door was my second highest priority in getting into this industry, right behind impressing nerd chicks.
I was not prepared for the sheer spectacle of the event. If you have been to the San Diego Comic-Con, you are familiar with scale, but the amount of reveals and flashing exclusive trailers was staggering. This was nerd heaven.
I had come to the promised land. Here is just a glimpse of what I saw. Check back for more soon. In the interim click here for all of our E3 2015 coverage thus far!
Categorized:Horror Gaming News