Day of the Dead: 30th Anniversary – Bloodiest Moments

On July 19, 1985 the darkest day of horror the world has ever known came to pass. That day saw the release of George A. Romero’s Day of the Dead, and our beloved genre is all the better for it! In celebration of the its 30th anniversary, we’ve decided to take a look back at some of the film’s best and bloodiest effects work that were provided by an in his absolute prime Tom Savini.
Several visceral moments jump to mind almost immediately. One of the more memorable is nothing short of mind-blowing… or mind displaying for that moment. Even though we all by now know how it was done, it’s impossible to not gaze in wonder at the grisly sight below.
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Yep, Dr. Frankenstein’s lab was filled with all manner of atrocities, and it became apparent in a hurry that Richard Liberty’s Logan was up to more than just a little more than your average bits of no good. Seriously, though, in a world gone mad, who could blame a scientist from going mad?
The zombie pool was brimming over so there were a ton of specimens to dissect and – literally – dabble in. After all, the living dead are a lot more manageable when tied down to a table, are they not?
Every Romero zombie ends with an extremely bloody coup de grĂ¢ce scene which delivers a knock-out blow and a half, and lord knows Day of the Dead is no exception. When the shit hits the fan underground, it;s mixed with a throng of entrails, loins, innards, and other bits of assorted grue. I’ll let these next few images speak for themselves.
All things considered, there’s little doubt left as to why this movie is now heralded as a classic despite its chilly reception from both fans and critics upon release. Day of the Dead has found its audience, and we, much like the dead themselves, eat up every single second of it! Share your thoughts on this film in the comments section below.
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