Dread Central Turns 9!

For nearly a decade now we’ve been doing our damnedest to bring you, our readers, the very best in horror news, entertainment, reviews, and even genre subscription boxes. Hard to believe nine years have already passed, but alas, today marks our 9th Birthday.
Since our inception lots of Dread Central staffers have gone on to work on some pretty big things, and that’s another thing we’re proud of. No matter where life has taken us, we always have this home. The Foywonder, Andrew Kasch, Buz Wallick, Mr. Dark, and Paul Nomad have been here since day one, and we’re still very lucky to have them. They may not contribute as much as they used to, but they’re all as loyal as loyal can be. To them I’d like say thank you for sticking by us on behalf of myself, KW Low, and of course Jon Condit.
Other DC family members worthy of our unconditional gratitude are John Squires, Scott Hallam, Gareth Jones, Matt Fini, Sean Decker, Brad McHargue, Drew Tinnin, Heather Buckley, Jinx, Staci Layne Wilson, Anthony Arrigo, Matt Molgaard, and Vanessa Gomez. You guys are as fucking rock and roll as they come. We’d also like to welcome and thank the class of 2014/2015 – Matt Boiselle, Trisha Chambers, Ted Hentschke, Todd Rigney, Kristen Ashley, Sean Brickley, David Gelmini, Robert Marvin, Alexa Weissert, Nicole Bird, and everyone else who either has been or has just started contributing. We’re lucky to have each and every one of you.
As always, my personal thanks go to Jon Condit, KW Low, and Debi Moore. Things have gotten tough at times, but together we’ve always managed to weather the storm. You three have been collectively saving my life for years, and I would be ZERO without you. Especially Debi. Someone’s gonna erect a statue of her one day for her saint-like service of putting up with me every day. I love you guys more than words could ever fully express.
Then there’s our readers, both old and new. We’re proud to have you as our peers. Thanks for making the DC community one of the best and friendliest places online. And if you’re reading this and you haven’t jumped in, fucking do so already! I know you’re there! I can see you online!
Here’s to another year, kids! Thank you.