Anchor Bay Gives Steven Daniels’ Earthfall a Spin This October

It seems as though the Earth is always in some sort of interplanetary peril. If it’s not from nefarious aliens hellbent on world domination, then it’s from planet-killing meteors from the far reaches of space. And the less said about those arachnid troublemakers on Klendathu, the better. However, it’s rare that Earth is ever threatened by another planet, but that seems to be the case in director Steven Daniels’ apocalyptic sci-fi thriller Earthfall. According to distributor Anchor Bay, Earthfall makes San Andreas look like “a little shake and a tiny quake.” How about that.
At least the folks behind Earthfall seem to understand that the film is operating on an extremely ridiculous premise. It’s kind of hard not to when you’re dealing with the Earth coming off its axis and spiraling out of control. This synopsis puts a finer point on it.
The gravity of a rogue planet screaming past Jupiter has flung the Earth from its orbit. Hurled through space, the earth has become a rogue planet itself, causing enormous devastation. The only way the survivors can have a chance is if the Sun can regain its grip on the Earth, and even if it does, the face of the planet will be forever changed. Earthfall asks the questions: If someone told you the world was ending tomorrow, would you believe them? Could you help stop it?
You can experience the wonders of Earthfall when it hits DVD on October 6.