Marvel’s Ant-Man Trailer Reimagined as a 1950s Horror Flick

Depending on how you feel about Marvel and their interconnected cinematic universe, you’re either pretty excited about the upcoming action flick Ant-Man or woefully indifferent. This movie geek is slowly but surely starting to get burned out on Marvel’s endeavors, though I have to power through them all in order to enjoy Doctor Strange and Black Panther, movies I’ve been waiting for since I was a kid. As soon as they deliver Moon Knight, my trilogy will be complete.
Even if you think Ant-Man looks like the worst idea since nipples on the Batsuit, you have to admit this mash-up trailer is pretty nifty. Put together by Sleepy Skunk and Vulture, the clip ultimately transforms this Marvel Studios movie into an old-school American International Pictures release. I’ll be honest: I’d rather watch this flick than the one presently headed to theaters.
The real Ant-Man is presently scheduled to hit theaters on July 17.