Union Furnace Clip Suggests Everybody Has Something to Hide

Director/co-writer Nicholas Bushman’s Union Furnace is hitting VOD later this month. To help get as many people excited about the flick as humanly possible, a brand new clip featuring genre veteran Keith David has popped up online. Although it doesn’t give us too much to go on regarding the plot, it’s certainly intriguing, especially since David isn’t afraid to raise his voice a little. For those who aren’t aware, when Keith David yells on-screen, the world gets a little sweeter.
If you’ve never heard of this one, you’ll need a synopsis.
Small-town crook Cody (Mike Dwyer, Sandbar) was at the end of his rope when a mysterious stranger offered him the chance of his life. There was just one catch – in this game he would have to wager everything, including his life. Cody finds himself trapped amongst a band of outsiders and misfits – all fighting for their lives and a slice of the American dream. Fueled by a horde of masked sadists, Cody and the others will win a fortune or die a brutal death.
Set against the grim backdrop of a hard-bitten Midwestern town, Union Furnace captures the desperation and the resilient optimism of the Rustbelt.
Union Furace will exclusively hit Vimeo on Friday, July 17. For more info about the flick, take a trip to the official website. Have a look at the latest clip featuring Keith David below.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gyw_WNoW1Wo&w=640&h=360]