Dynamite Breathes Life Into Dean Koontz’s Frankenstein: Storm Surge

It may not be cool to admit as much, but I’m a hardcore Dean Koontz fan. His books were kind of like a gateway drug into the world of horror when I was a kid, and I’ve been a faithful and loyal reader ever since. I particularly enjoyed Koontz’s take on the Frankenstein story, though I’ve always been kind of a sucker for tales centered around Mary Shelley’s misunderstood monster.
Dynamite Entertainment, along with comic book author Chuck Dixon (The Punisher) and illustrator Andres Ponce (Doctor Who), will unleash Dean Koontz’s Frankenstein: Storm Surge this fall. The six-issue miniseries will be available in brick-and-mortar comic book shops as well as digital outlets such as Comixology, Dynamite Digital, iVerse, and Dark Horse Digital.
Here’s how Dynamite describes the upcoming series.
Frankenstein: Storm Surge #1 continues the fan-favorite reimagining of “The Modern Prometheus” seen in Koontz’s previous Dynamite series, focusing on cast members Victor and Erika. While healing from a beating she suffered at the hands of Victor Helios – once Dr. Frankenstein – and her own maker, Erika Five decides to leave the comfort of her glassed-in porch and bottle of cognac to go exploring into Victor’s secret home lab, which she believes is an antechamber to something more sinister. With the help of the bodiless head Karloff and his disembodied hand, Erika finds a secret lab and within sees experiments revealing Victor’s attempts to do more than create a race of super-immortals… and a mirror-like portal to another universe, one of infinite realities Victor is trying to bridge for his own terrifying reasons!
The first issue of Dean Koontz’s Frankenstein: Storm Surge hits retail shelves this October. To keep up with everything Dynamite is doing, check them out on Facebook.