NECA Offers Up New Nightmare on Elm Street and Texas Chainsaw Massacre Figures

Need more horror-related collectibles on your shelf? Look no further than NECA’s latest Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Nightmare on Elm Street figures. Although there are several other Freddy and Leatherface figures on the market at the moment, it’s always cool to pick up something new by the folks at NECA. They know precisely what they’re doing.
Take the latest Freddy Krueger figure, for example. Not only does he come with a cloth shirt, you can raise it up and check out all the scars and creepy faces on his torso.
Big Bad Toy Store explains, “Freddy stands 8″ tall and is dressed in fabric clothing similar to the iconic toy lines of the 1970s. He’s fully poseable and truly terrifying – just lift his sweater to see the tortured spirits trapped in his Chest of Souls! Removable hat included.”
For those who are more into hulking brutes with chainsaws than skinny guys with dangerous gloves, take a look at NECA’s Leatherface. I’m not the biggest Texas Chainsaw Massacre fan on the planet, but even I have to admit that this figure looks insanely cool.
The description from Big Bad Toy Store reads, “It’s Leatherface like you’ve never seen him! NECA’s highly successful line of classic video game tribute figures continues with Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Now a super-rare find, the side-scrolling game was originally released in 1983 for a popular home console. Leatherface stands 7″ tall and has over 25 points of articulation for great poses. The figure comes with vinyl apron and chainsaw accessory.”
You can pre-order the latest NECA figures right now. Freddy will set you back $27.99, while Leatherface commands $21.99. You can also spend a couple of extra dollars to bump your selection to Collector’s Grade. Have a look at the pics below when you have a second to spare.
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