#SDCC15: Legendary Brings Crimson Peak, Warcraft, and Pacific Rim VR Experience to Comic-Con

The Legendary Pictures booth (#3920) at Comic-Con is home to some pretty incredible stuff this year including a pocket-sized MUST SEE virtual demo for three of its top movies – Crimson Peak, Warcraft, and Pacific Rim!
From the Press Release:
The Legendary Booth will offer fans the chance to choose their weapon and enter a battle pose with a life-sized Orgrim, one of the towering warriors from the new Warcraft film; the WETA Booth will also features a life-sized King Llane and Alliance Weapons, bringing the Horde and the Alliance to life on the show floor.
Legendary partners with Google to give away to Comic-Con attendees 50,000 new and improved Google Cardboard viewers in Google’s biggest ever partnership of this kind. This easy-to-assemble platform is a great way for anyone to transform their smartphone into a simple, easy to use mobile VR device.
Legendary presents three exclusive VR experiences inspired by some of there most highly anticipated new films. Warcraft: Skies of Azeroth gives fans a virtual ride on the back of a gryphon; Beware Crimson Peak offers fans a virtual close encounter with the haunting ghosts of Allerdale Hall, inspired by Guillermo Del Toro’s new film, Crimson Peak; and Pacific Rim: Jaeger Pilot offers fans the virtual experience of piloting a 250-storey mech in action.
At the Legendary booth at San Diego Comic-Con (#3920), Crimson Peak and Warcraft took center stage as Legendary kicked off SDCC Wednesday night, delivering to its fans an array of interactive experiences. Fans who visit the booth will be able to have their photo taken with their choice of weapon from the Warcraft movie to face off against a life-sized Orc, Additionally, they will be able to access virtual reality experiences inspired by Warcraft, Crimson Peak and Pacific Rim, as Legendary delivers a virtual reality gift to SDCC attendees through an exclusive partnership with Google.
Warcraft director Duncan Jones kicked off SDCC by personally unveiling a life-sized Orgrim that brings the world of the fantasy phenomenon Warcraft to life. Strikingly detailed, this Horde warrior and his iconic Doomhammer weapon were both crafted by the artists at WETA Workshop. However, Orgrim is only one half of the exhibit – the WETA booth contains a life-sized statue of the Alliance’s King Llane for a unique dual-booth experience. Images of both the Orgrim and King Llane sculpts are attached.
Building on the success of last year’s Pacific Rim VR experience, Legendary has partnered with Google to distribute 50,000 free new and improved Google Cardboard viewers at its booth (#3920) on the show floor, at its Hall H presentation and at Petco Park in partnership with Legendary Digital Networks (Nerdist, Geek & Sundry, Smart Girls). This is the largest VR distribution partnership Google has ever done.
Legendary launched tonight its new virtual reality app, ‘Legendary VR’, available for both iOS and Android devices. Available to download by visiting Legendary.com/VR and powered by Google Cardboard, the App will enable anyone with a smartphone to enjoy three unique VR experiences.
The first is Warcraft: The Skies of Azeroth, inspired by the new Warcraft movie releasing in June 2016. Fans will get to take a virtual ride on the back of a gryphon in a mobile experience created in close partnership with ILM XLABS and the filmmakers.
The second VR experience, Beware Crimson Peak, delivers an evocative and immersive virtual reality horror experience that sets up Allerdale Hall as a psychologically haunting destination, created in partnership with Legend 3D.
Additionally, Legendary is also including Pacific Rim: Jaeger Pilot, which wowed the crowds at their booth at SDCC 2014 and was created in partnership with Reel FX.