#SDCC15: Watch Trailer for Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Zombie Mode

The Call of Duty games have become known for their zombified add-on modes that are tailor made for us horror fans, and Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 is no exception. Set for release on November 6th, the new game pits zombies up against 1940’s gangsters, and we’ve got your first look tonight!
From the team behind the original Call of Duty Zombies, Treyarch returns with an all-new, mind-bending tale of the undead. Jeff Goldblum, Heather Graham, Neal McDonough, and Ron Perlman star in “Shadows of Evil,” an adventurously new survival co-op experience only available in Call of Duty: Black Ops 3.
“Treyarch has crafted a totally unique and face-melting gameplay experience for our loyal Zombies community, with Call of Duty: Black Ops III: Zombies – Shadows of Evil” said Mark Lamia, Studio Head, Treyarch. “The development team has packed Shadows of Evil with more gameplay and fun than any other experience before it, and has an appropriately twisted and deep narrative, performed by fantastic acting talent, that will keep our fans spinning.”
Additionally revealed today at San Diego Comic Con, Activision Blizzard launched an exciting campaign with charity fundraising platform Omaze, which gives Call of Duty fans a chance to become a zombie in Call of Duty: Black Ops III. This effort will raise money for the Call of Duty™ Endowment, a non-profit organization founded by Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick, which funds best-in-class nonprofits helping veterans find good jobs after their service. Activision Blizzard is also matching each donation dollar for dollar up to $1,000,000.
Starting today, and running through August 31, 2015, fans can enter by donating $10 or more to the Call of Duty Endowment via Omaze for a chance to be zombified at Treyarch and appear in Call of Duty: Black Ops III DLC. The winner will also have their name immortalized in a Zombies mode level, have lunch with Treyarch Studio Head Mark Lamia, and receive a behind-the-scenes tour of the studio behind the game. For more information, fans can visit omaze.com/callofduty.
Check out the insanely awesome reveal trailer below, fresh out of Comic-Con!
Call of Duty: Black Ops III: Zombies – Shadows of Evil drops players into a recognizable yet terrifyingly unfamiliar world, as they uncover the secrets and challenges laid out for them by a shadowy figure, who holds their fate in his hands. Set in a 1940’s film-noir era, Shadows of Evil introduces four unwitting characters – The Magician, The Femme-Fatale, The Cop and The Boxer – into an unraveling experience masterminded by the mysterious Shadow Man.