Tomonobu Itagaki Tells Everyone To Stop Lying About Devil’s Third

Amidst speculation that Wii U exclusive Devil’s Third would not be published by Nintendo of America, project lead and legendary sunglasses model Tomonobu Itagaki is telling everyone to “calm down”. In a Facebook post simply titled “[Calm down]”, he assures us in iconic broken English that, “Guys, which do you believe me or such site?” Well put, Mr. Badass.
The rumors started when notorious rumor-monger and sometimes source of good information Unseen64 released this video:
While Nintendo of America has not released any official statement, it is curious that the game still doesn’t have a release listing for North America. Releasing at the end of August in Europe, Japan, and Australia of all places, this could be a logic defying moment where Australia gets the game before the US. Even if NoA decides not to publish it, it doesn’t spell doom for the project. Valhalla Game Studios could always partner with a new North American publisher. THQ was the original publisher before they had to close their doors in 2012. Originally a title for the major consoles of last gen, it was revamped into a Wii U title when Nintendo acquired the exclusivity.
I think it would be an incredibly odd move to not publish a game from a designer as prestigious as Itagaki, especially in the presently exclusive starved market. Itagaki assures us that, “The world brims over with lies and rumors”, So at if nothing else we at least have that anime monologue-worthy quote to take away from it all.
Check out the trailer courtesy of GamesHQMedia:
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