#SDCC15: iZombie Sizzles at Comic-Con – New Trailer and More on Season 2

The San Diego Comic-Con panel for The CW’s breakout hit “iZombie” wrapped up a short while ago, and we have a few details on the upcoming season to share along with its SDCC Sizzle Reel, which is basically a recap of Season 1. Not yet infected? Beware because it’s obviously filled with spoilers.
Per THR, showrunner Rob Thomas refreshed us on where we stand now: “As we start Season 2, Major (Robert Buckley) is still not over the fact that Liv did not let him in on her zombie secret… Peyton (Aly Michalka) is still on a walkabout… [plus] she’s [Liv (Rose McIver)] a bit on the outs with any surviving family members she has.”
If there was any doubt we’d see Michalka again, she acknowledged there was no way she could walk away from the show and confirmed her return. “I couldn’t leave Peyton hanging and not come back,” she said. “How could I not come back?… I would like to learn more about Peyton in her personal life outside of being a roommate to Liv… see [where] her relationship [with] Ravi (Rahul Kohli) goes.”
There was a mention of ridding “Seattle of its zombie problem. That’s going to be a big storyline in Season 2,” Thomas explained. “Suddenly the zombies who were on [the] offensive will find themselves on the defensive… [and it’ll make] strange bedfellows of Blaine (David Anders) and Liv.”
Blaine (who was given the “cure,” you’ll remember, as the freshman season ended) is undergoing a transformation. “We’re humanizing Blaine, quite literally,” Anders said. “As an actor, your dream is to diversify your portfolio, if you will… I’m looking forward for Season 2 and showing you different hues for Blaine.”
As for McIver, who goes through a transformation of her own in each episodes based on the brains she consumes, “I’m getting my guitar back out; I sing,” she teased. “There’s been a few things they warn me about… I [just] hope it’s in my wheelhouse.”
Thomas divulged even more about Liv’s diet – Episode 2.01 is “grumpy old man” brain, 2.02 is “frat boy” brain, and 2.03 will be “Real Housewife of Seattle” brain.
“iZombie” returns to The CW on Tuesday, October 6th, at 9PM.
For more info in the meantime, visit “iZombie” on CWTV.com, “like” “iZombie” on Facebook, and follow “iZombie” on Twitter.