#SDCC15: Ash and Mia Still May Team Up in Evil Dead Original/Remake Mashup Film

There were rumors not all that long ago that Ash Williams and the Evil Dead remake’s Mia would someday join forces in an epic mashup film, but it seemed like one of those things that would likely never happen. News coming out of Comic-Con, however, suggests that it actually might.
Per JoBlo, last night’s “Ash vs. Evil Dead” panel not only debuted the insanely awesome trailer for the upcoming Starz series – premiering on Halloween night! – but it also provided a little morsel of information about the potential fusion of the original and remake franchises.
“When asked about the series leading into yet another movie, there was a bit of hesitation to reveal details but Sam [Raimi] said because of the success of the recent Evil Dead remake, it’s possible that Ash and Jane Levy’s Mia character could come together in a future movie and battle evil,” reports the site.
Related Story: Watch the Ash vs. Evil Dead Trailer!
As fun as an Ash and Mia mashup film could potentially be, I’m honestly too happy about “Ash vs. Evil Dead” to care about much else. That series looks to be a gift to all fans, so I don’t intend on asking for anything more from the Raimi/Campbell camp. Let’s be happy with what we’ve got!