Remake of Herschell Gordon Lewis Splatter Classic Blood Feast on the Way

Released in 1963, Herschell Gordon Lewis’ Blood Feast was way ahead of its time, loaded with gory carnage long before that became the norm for the genre. In fact, it’s widely considered to be the original splatter film, and now a remake is on the way. Read on for all the bloody details!
From the Press Release:
BLOOD FEAST is coming back: much harder, bloodier, and a must-see for every gore fan. The horror-flick BLOOD FEAST is known to be the first splatter film ever and established the gore genre through its explicit on-screen murder scenes. Now the U.S. production company Gundo Entertainment plans a remake of the horror classic that will set the pulse of splatter fans racing. Based on the original story, BLOOD FEAST is equipped with the most modern special effects. Director Marcel Walz is excited to implement the remake and says:
“This project makes one of my longest dreams come true. To realize the remake of the cult movie BLOOD FEAST feels like winning the lottery to me. The fact that the production studio gives me all their trust is an honor. I have very much respect for the realization of this movie and will try everything to make the remake live up to people’s expectations – to make it as bloody and brutal as they hope for it to be!”
Herschell Gordon Lewis, the “Godfather of Gore” and director of the original film, supports the BLOOD FEAST remake. Shooting of the U.S. production will take place from September 1-25, 2015 in the United States, France, and Germany. With Robert Rusler (NIGHTMARE 2 – THE REVENGE) and Caroline Williams (ROB ZOMBIE’S HALLOWEEN II) in the starring roles, the BLOOD FEAST team won some true horror experts for the remake. The famous Ryan Nicholson, who has already shown his talent in movies such as FINAL DESTINATION, SCARY MOVIE, and RIDDICK, will be the head of the makeup department.
To be able to equip the film with more and bloodier special effects, a crowdfunding campaign will be launched on Indiegogo next week. Every fan of the original and the gore genre can take part and help to write a new chapter in film history.
Fuad Ramses and his family have moved from the United States to France, where they run an American diner. Since business is not going too well, Fuad also works night shifts in a museum of ancient Egyptian culture. During these long, lonely nights he is repeatedly drawn to a statue representing the seductive ancient goddess ISHTAR. He becomes more and more allured by the goddess as she speaks to him in visions. Eventually he succumbs to her deadly charms.
After this pivotal night, Fuad begins a new life, in which murder and cannibalism become his daily bread. He starts to prepare a ritual FEAST to honor his new mistress, a lavish affair dripping with BLOOD, organs, and intestines of human victims. As butchered bodies are heaped upon the Altar of Ishtar, Fuad slowly slips further into madness, until he is no more than the goddess’s puppet; and she thirsts for the blood of Fuad’s wife and daughter too.