Halloween 6: The Producer’s Cut Getting a Stand-Alone Release

Previously only available as part of a box set, Lionsgate has announced that it is releasing a stand-alone release of the producer’s cut of Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers.
Look for the flick on Blu-ray (sorry, DVD owners) on September 15th of this year. The price? A paltry $9.99. In other words… CHEAP!
No word yet what, if, any special features will be ported over from the release of the Scream Factory and Anchor Bay’s Halloween: The Complete Collection (review) box set. If you didn’t want to shell out the cash and were just really interested in the producer’s cut, this one is for you!
Donald Pleasence, Marianne Hagan, Paul Rudd, Mitch Ryan, and George Wilbur star.
As you may or may not know, the producer’s cut is an alternative and unrated version of Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers, and if you’ve only seen the theatrical version, wow, are you in for an experience. The film is pretty much completely different and well worth a look.