Herald: Lovecraft and Tesla Team Up on the Small Screen

We feel like it’s been awhile since the last comic adaptation news broke, but then again, they all seem to blur together. Next up, though, is a real classic! THR is reporting that the rights to Action Lab Entertainment’s comic series Herald have been acquired by Romark Entertainment in partnership with Markerstone Pictures.
The deal will see newcomer Jared Battaglia adapt the comic for a TV series. Herald, created by writer John Reilly and artists Tom Rogers and Dexter Weeks, is an alternate universe story in which a time-traveling Nikola Tesla teams up with writer H.P. Lovecraft and other historical figures to save the world from various cosmic horrors. Historical characters appear throughout the storyline; the television series will largely stick to this premise.
“Herald” will be produced by Romark’s Rock Shaink and Markerstone’s Mark Lawyer with Joseph New overseeing for Romark.
More as it comes.