Texas Frightmare Weekend 2016’s First Guests and Ticket Info

Ah, Texas Frightmare Weekend. My Christmas, Halloween, and birthday all rolled into one. The time of year I get to go out and play with you guys, the family of Dread Central readers. It seems like it’s a very long way away, but Texas Frightmare 2016 is already in the works and open for business!
Starting TODAY, tickets are on sale, and hotel rooms are available at the show rate. This includes the VIP passes, which sold out in one day last year, so hop on those if you want the best access and the best bargain for next year’s show.
The big news, of course, is the first three legends who will be present as guests at next year’s show, which runs April 29-May 1, 2016: Texas Frightmare Weekend will be hosting horror icons George Romero, Tony Todd, and Kane Hodder for their 11th annual show! That’s quite a triple combo of all-time greats.
Of course, more guests by the dozens will be coming in the weeks and months between now and the show, as well as details of the special events TFW always comes up with in addition to the guest list and film screenings.
For now, drag your steaming carcass over to the Texas Frightmare website and pick up your tickets at incredible early bird discounts:
Weekend Pass – $75
SALE! $50
Weekend Pass 4-Pack $300
SALE! $180
Single Day Pass $30
SALE! $20
Those prices end in just a couple of weeks on August 16th so if you know you’re going (and why wouldn’t you?), grab those bargains, and book a hotel room while you’re at it.
You can find all of these deals and more details over at the Texas Frightmare Weekend website. Keep your eyes peeled right here on Dread Central for Texas Frightmare Weekend 2016 news as it happens!