Jaume Balagueró Preps Flatmate

First off, everyone who really loves horror needs to own an all-region DVD player (you can get a decent one for around $100 on Amazon!). That way, when foreign films like Jaume Balagueró and Paco Plaza’s terrifying [REC] come out (and the American remake has ALREADY opened), you can be smug about having already seen the better version (in my opinion) first.
Now comes word, from the folks at Aullidos, that Balagueró, who soloed on the creepy Darkness, starring “True Blood”’s Anna Paquin, is prepping another horror film, Flatmate. According to sources at the Cannes Film Festival, a very large poster has been seen at the Filmax booth in Cannes but any flyers that may have been handed out gave very little information as to the plot. There are rumors that the $16 million English-language project, written by [REC] producer Alberto Marini and set in New York City, will revolve around a ghost or haunting.
Meanwhile, [REC] 2 (noooooo….!!) is due out first in Germany on October 29th (can’t films with a bummer ending, like Neil Marshall’s The Descent, just remain bummers?!? Life ain’t all sweetness and light, you know). Manuela Velasco is returning as reporter Ángela Vidal which should be interesting for those of us who saw the original [REC].
Enough with the remakes and the sequels to movies that really shouldn’t have a sequel. Can you imagine a sequel of The Devil’s Rejects?!? Gads!!
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