Aykroyd Talks Ghostbusters 3

A third Ghostbusters movie has been speculated about, rumored about, talked about for years. To hear Dan Aykroyd talk, rumor may finally becoming reality and ghosts may be getting busted once more come Christmas.
Whether it be truth from the horse’s mouth or just wishful thinking from a man very enthusiastic about the prospects of once again putting a nuclear-power proton pack on his back, Aykroyd spoke to the LA Times Hero Complex about the status of Ghostbusters 3.
For starters, the film could be shooting as early as this winter. Also, original director Ivan Reitman won’t be behind the camera. As Aykroyd puts it, Reitman is too busy as a “super producer” to direct the film. Considering Reitman’s last three outings behind the camera were My Super Ex-Girlfriend, Evolution, and Six Days, Seven Nights, him not directing might be for the best. Aykroyd is pushing for original Ghostbuster Harold Ramis to direct. Ramis has in the past directed such comedy hits as Caddyshack, Groundhog Day, and Analyze This.
Ramis is also the director of the upcoming Stone Age comedy Year One, the writers of which (“The Office” scribes Gene Stupnitsky and Lee Eisenberg) have penned the current draft of the Ghostbusters 3 script. According to Aykroyd, the third installment would have the original Ghostbusters training a five-man-and-woman team of junior Ghostbusters, viewing the new film as them passing the torch to a new generation.
Aykroyd even states he’d love to see Alyssa Milano (who also does voicework for the new Ghostbusters video game) and Eliza Dushku in the jumpsuits for the new film. You can tell Aykroyd is getting old because most guys would probably rather see those two of out of the jumpsuits, if you catch my drift.
In talking about why it has taken so long to get a third Ghostbusters movie to the screen, it seems it has primarily been due to Bill Murray holding out. Quoting Aykroyd:
“Billy, you can’t blame an artist for not wanting to do the same thing again. He did two of them, for God’s sake. Although I’m the biggest cheerleader as the originator of the concept but I’ve never begrudged Billy not doing a third movie. I never said he held it up or that he refused. Hey, listen, he’s an artist. You can’t force somebody into it. I’m sorry he never read my third draft because I thought it was pretty good but, look, now we’re at a point that there’s a story that he can accept and that’s going to work…”
After the fiasco that was Ghostbusters 2, who can blame him?
Whether or not a Ghostbusters 3 will come to pass remains to be seen. You can read the rest of the interview at the LA Times. A taste of things to come or wishful thinking?
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