Casting Call: Want to be in the Elm Street Remake?

The casting call went out today to be an extra in Platinum Dunes’ redux of the Wes Craven classic, A Nightmare on Elm Street and if you’re in the Chi-town area you could very well fall victim to a set of really sharp razor claws!
Details below courtesy of Joan Philo Casting
“Joan Philo casting is searching for a special scene for, “A Nightmare on Elm St,” a feature film directed by Sam Bayer. We are searching for attractive women, 18 to 27, who are comfortable working topless in a tasteful pool party scene. This scene is a non-speaking “special extra” role and will be filmed with the utmost respect. The location of this scene is in the suburbs (exact location TBD). This scene is a three-night commitment, June 1st, 2nd , & 3rd (night can start as early as in the afternoon and will shoot until sunup the next day) You must be available all three nights to be considered.
If you are interested please e-mail us a recent color photo (in swimwear) along with your height/weight/age/address and phone number to: [email protected]
This scene is being cast very quickly! Once we receive your photos we will contact you to come and meet with us.
Note: For your privacy and confidentiality please do not send us any nude photos.
Joan Philo casting has cast tasteful nude and partial nude scenes in the past (Mad Dog and Glory, Prison Break pilot) successfully and in good taste. You will be treated very well on set.”
“These are paid roles!
We are casting the non-speaking extras for an exciting HIGH SCHOOL PARTY scene for the feature film, “A Nightmare on Elm ST,” directed by the amazing, Sam Bayer.
This scene shoots on JUNE 1ST, JUNE 2ND, AND JUNE 3RD. The location will be at a house in the suburbs (exact location TBD). We are shooting nights – nights can start as early as in the afternoon and shoot all through the night until sunup of the next morning. In order to be considered you must be available to work all three nights.
We are creating a party scene and we need teenagers, male and female, ages 16 to 19, all ethnicities, to work as paid extras.
If you are interested and able to free up your life for the entire three night commitment please send us recent color photographs ASAP. We are casting this scene immediately.
Attach recent color photographs (a close up of your face, and a full length shot.) If you want to be considered for the fun pool party scene please also include a picture of yourself in swimwear. Please only send a photo of yourself in swimwear if you are comfortable wearing a swimsuit.
This scene is going to be amazing and we want to make it look brilliant. We want to cast teens and their real friends. Please let us know in your e-mail who your friends are that are also sending in pictures!
Please include all your stats: Height, weight, clothing sizes, shoe size, your age and your phone number and address.
Please write down any special skills you have (for example: Soccer, cheerleading, dance {what kind}, etc.)
Please write down what High School you attend. Please list your school extracurricular activities/sports you are involved in.
We also need to cast REAL COUPLES. If you want to be considered as one of our real couples please e-mail us a photo of yourself with your boyfriend or girlfriend.
Let’s make this the best “A Nightmare on Elm St” ever!!! This party scene is going to be wonderful.
If you are cast as an extra in this film keep in mind that this is a job. We will be looking to cast teens that are punctual, disciplined, respectful, kind, that work well with others, and know how to follow direction. If this might be you please send all your info ASAP to: [email protected]
We are only casting teens in the Chicagoland (including surrounding suburbs) area. Please attach the photographs to your e-mail — we can not follow links to another site to view your photos. Thanks!”
Aw, well. Time for me to put away all my nude photos. Sigh. Good luck!
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