…and the Beast from the Sea Rises in these Images from Hannibal Episode 3.11

The weeks are ticking away toward the very last episode of “Hannibal,” but before we have to say good-bye to the good doctor on August 29th, we have next week’s Episode 3.11, “…and the Beast from the Sea,” to look forward to. In it the Red Dragon threatens to strike very close to those who are hunting him.
Curious as to what else awaits? We also have the synopses of the final two eps of the stellar series: #3.12, “The Number of the Beast Is 666…,” and #3.13, “The Wrath of the Lamb.” You’ll find them below the photos, but beware of tiny spoilers!
Speaking of the Dragon, we are loving Richard Armitage as Dolarhyde; what do you guys think?
“Hannibal” Episode 3.11 – “…and the Beast from the Sea” (8/15/15; 10-11 PM)
Will Graham (Hugh Dancy) and Jack Crawford (Laurence Fishburne) are certain that Francis Dolarhyde (guest star Richard Armitage) will strike again with the approaching full moon, but without a solid lead, they remain unable to predict the next family on the Red Dragon’s hit list.
Certain that Hannibal Lecter (Mads Mikkelsen) can lead the FBI to Dolarhyde, Alana Bloom (Caroline Dhavernas) offers Hannibal a chance at redemption.
Meanwhile, Dolarhyde struggles with his feelings about the one good thing that remains in his life–his coworker Reba (guest star Rutina Wesley). Nina Arianda guest stars; Gillian Anderson, Aaron Abrams, and Scott Thompson also star.
“Hannibal” Episode 3.12 – “The Number of the Beast Is 666…” (8/22/15; 10-11 PM)
A RISKY PLAN TO LURE THE RED DRAGON PUTS EVERYONE AT RISK – Will Graham (Hugh Dancy) and the FBI enlist the expertise of Dr. Fredrick Chilton (guest star Raul Esparza) in the hopes of luring Francis Dolarhyde (guest star Richard Armitage) into an ambush, using Freddie Lounds (guest star Lara Jean Chorostecki) as their mouthpiece.
As Will’s empathy for Dolarhyde begins to affect his fragile psyche, Bedelia Du Maurier (Gillian Anderson) warns that the killer Will should be most concerned about at the moment is himself.
Meanwhile, Dolarhyde senses that the FBI is closing in and launches a horrifying endgame. Rutina Wesley and Nina Arianda guest star; Mads Mikkelsen and Laurence Fishburne also star.
“Hannibal” Episode 3.13 – “The Wrath of the Lamb” (8/29/15; 10-11 PM – series finale)
WILL GRAHAM MANEUVERS HANNIBAL LECTER AND FRANCIS DOLARHYDE INTO POSITION FOR THEIR FINAL SHOWDOWN – In a desperate bid to slay Francis Dolarhyde (guest star Richard Armitage), Will Graham (Hugh Dancy) engineers a cunning ploy utilizing Hannibal Lecter (Mads Mikkelsen). Upon learning of his plan, Bedelia Du Maurier (Gillian Anderson) voices concerns that Will’s actions may put not only his life in peril, but the lives of those around him.
As the end draws near, Will remains unflinching in his game with Hannibal–even when it means coming face-to-face with his own darkest fears. Rutina Wesley, Katharine Isabelle, and Nina Arianda guest star; Laurence Fishburne, Aaron Abrams, and Scott Thompson also star.
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