Woman Attacked in Home by Ax-Wielding Clown

File this one under “What in the blue hell is wrong with people?” Time Magazine is reporting that a North Carolina woman was attacked with an ax by someone dressed like a clown in her home.
The victim told the police in Hickory, N.C., that a person wearing a clown mask and a multicolored wig had come by her residence at 4:30 a.m. Friday morning and began to swing his ax at her.
The victim was able to take the mask off the attacker and discover that it was an acquaintance of hers, who then fled the scene. She was not injured in the incident.
Hickory Police Department spokesperson Chrystal Dieter told Time that there was an “outstanding warrant” against the suspect. “Any law enforcement officer who comes in contact with the suspect in question will have full ability to arrest him,” Dieter said.
That’s it, kids! We’ve officially reached the point in which train wrecks are pulling over to watch us.