Elm Street On-Set Report from Gary, Indiana

Michael Puente from Chicago-based Public Radio station KBEZ reported in from the Gary, Indiana, set of the Nightmare on Elm Street reboot, and it looks like the project has generated mixed feelings among the townsfolk.
Ben Clement, head of the city’s film and television office, is concerned about the image of Gary, especially after 1996’s Original Gangstas portrayed the town as a tough place. He says, “We’re always concerned about our image because our image is not the best. So to combat that we try to minimize the amount of media or motion picture production that contributes to that negative image.
On the other hand, the mayor of Gary, Rudy Clay, doesn’t mind that his town is home to a horror film. He adds, “We’re not going to be too picky, although we would love to have more movies that don’t deal with violence. We’re not going to be that adamant about not making movies in Gary and all of that because it’s a movie!”
Some residents weigh in as well. Senior citizen Bob Smith, who lives near the shoot, says, “Hollywood is just making fun of [the] city. It’s not going to benefit Gary. It’s ridiculing Gary.” But Charlie Wheeler disagrees by saying, “They should use it. Anything helps.” Considering how the former steel town is struggling economically in these times, it’s likely more people agree with Wheeler than Smith.
To read the full transcript and/or listen to the broadcast, click here.
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