Shane Black’s Predator Sequel Promises to Reinvent the Franchise

One of the coolest things happening in Hollywood right now is that Shane Black (Iron Man 3) and Fred Dekker (The Monster Squad) are working on a Predator movie, the two scripting the film together and Black set to direct. Best of all, it’s a sequel rather than a remake, and today brings some more information. So read on for the latest!
Per Collider, original Predator producer John Davis spilled some beans about the project, which has mostly been shrouded in secrecy since the exciting announcement was made. And he promises that fans of the franchise are in store for a real treat with this one.
“Shane shot a movie and he’s doing a pilot now, but I’ve read a lot of his script and I think it’s genius,” said Davis. “I think it’s genius and I think it’s entertaining, and what it did is recreate a famous franchise in a different, interesting way, looking at it from a different light. He’s just an amazing writer-director. He’s got a way of looking at this that makes you excited again.”
“Shane’s got a writing partner, Fred Dekker. They’ve been doing it together and Fred’s great,” Davis continued. “The two of them together, they’ve been in the business for a long time, but the writing is so fresh, the perspective is so fresh. I’m telling you you’re going to get something you don’t expect and you’re going to say, ‘This is the most entertaining way to reinvent a franchise.’ I mean, he’s the guy who wrote Iron Man 3.”
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