Be Lured by these Stills from Hannibal Episode 3.12 – The Number of the Beast Is 666…

The New Testament’s Book of Revelation speaks of a Beast bearing the number 666… but even God himself couldn’t have conceived of such a monster as “Hannibal.” And that’s why we’re going to miss him to death when his run on NBC wraps up in just a few more weeks. Up next week we have Episode 3.12, “The Number of the Beast Is 666…,” and if you’re all caught up (or looking for a few spoilers), read on for a look at a baker’s dozen of new stills from the ep.
“Hannibal” Episode 3.12 – “The Number of the Beast Is 666…” (8/22/15; 10-11 PM)
A RISKY PLAN TO LURE THE RED DRAGON PUTS EVERYONE AT RISK – Will Graham (Hugh Dancy) and the FBI enlist the expertise of Dr. Fredrick Chilton (guest star Raul Esparza) in the hopes of luring Francis Dolarhyde (guest star Richard Armitage) into an ambush, using Freddie Lounds (guest star Lara Jean Chorostecki) as their mouthpiece.
As Will’s empathy for Dolarhyde begins to affect his fragile psyche, Bedelia Du Maurier (Gillian Anderson) warns that the killer Will should be most concerned about at the moment is himself.
Meanwhile, Dolarhyde senses that the FBI is closing in and launches a horrifying endgame. Rutina Wesley and Nina Arianda guest star; Mads Mikkelsen and Laurence Fishburne also star.
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