Kings of Cult Explores the Careers of Roger Corman and Charles Band

Fans of B-movies are well-versed in the works of Roger Corman and Charles Band. Both have contributed greatly to the world of low-budget cinema, and they certainly helped shaped this writer’s taste in movies. However, there are probably some behind-the-scenes tales about Corman and Band we haven’t heard, but a new documentary is hoping to fix that problem.
Enter Kings of Cult, which takes a loving look at the long, storied careers of Roger Corman and Charles Band. Considering the vast number of motion pictures the pair have made over the past several decades, this should be an interesting watch for B-movie aficionados.
If you’d like an official description of the documentary, then you’re in luck.
Join veteran genre filmmakers Roger Corman and Charles Band as they take you through their long and storied careers working on such films as Eat My Dust, Puppetmaster, Sharktopus, Re-Animator, and many more. This truly unique look at exploitation cinema from the perspective two of its top contributors is a must-see for anyone looking to go a little deeper into the movies they love.
Two mavericks of independent genre filmmaking sit down for an intimate discussion about their amazing and diverse bodies of work, their fans, the hundreds of legendary performers and artists whose talents they’ve nurtured and the future of the industry they’ve both dedicated their lives to. This is the ultimate masterclass in making strange cinema that matters!
Curious parties can check out Kings of Cult when it premieres exclusively on on September 2. Feel free to check out the trailer for the documentary below.