Canadian Horror Comedy Rising to DVD

Do you like your Canuck-produced Army of Darkness style comedies loaded with puerile sex jokes, lesbian make-out sessions, and topped off with a heaping slab of Canadian bacon by way of a hammy performance by a WWE wrestler? If so, we have good news for you: Dark Rising is coming to DVD this August.
“A broken heart, a battle ax, a demon, and a lesbian ex-fiancee… Jason Parks’ life goes from bad to worse as a series of supernatural events turn his dream of reconciling with his ex Jasmine into a portal-seeking, demon-hunting nightmare. Featuring Jason “Christian Cage” Reso of the WWE and TNA Wrestling. Also starring Landy Cannon, Brigitte Kingsley, and Julia Schneider.”
If you live in Canada, filmmaker Andrew Cymek’s Dark Rising is already available at your local DVD shop and has been for months. That’s how I was able to review it last September. Those of us living below the Great White North will finally get to see the film on August 11th when E1 Entertainment makes it available to US citizens.
DVD extras will include a commentary with writer/director Andrew Cymek and unspecified cast members, a behind-the-scenes featurette, photo gallery, deleted scenes, and a TNA wrestling match between Christian Cage and Rhino.
Just to give you an idea how much things change, “Christian Cage” was a former WWE superstar wrestling for TNA at the time and now he’s a former TNA wrestler back working for WWE. He’s also, IMO, the best thing about the film. Him and the battle axe-bearing bikini babe, that is.
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