New Mad Max Game TV Commercial Online

An awesome new TV commercial for Mad Max has found its way online, and it has us dying to be chromed and witnessed. It’s certainly refreshing to hear Max (voiced by Bren Foster) talking in an Australian accent, something that was sorely missing for the most part in Fury Road, despite the fact that, y’know, it’s set in Australia.
“There’s only those who live, those who die, and those who stand in my way,” a grumpy sounding Max narrates to us. Indeed, the game is something of a godsend because after watching the Mad Max movies we all wish that we could drive fast cars along a desert wasteland and blast anything that moves with a big-ass shotgun.
It’s no good looking down at your feet and denying it; we all felt that way.
Well, on September 4th, that dream will finally become a reality.
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