Want to See the Workprint Version of 2011’s The Thing? Sign This Petition!

If you’re not a fan of director Matthijs van Heijningen’s 2011 The Thing, then you’re not alone. Although I didn’t have an issue with the film (outside of the wretched CGI, of course), apparently a lot of people think it’s a pretty terrible cinematic experience. I can certainly understand their hatred, though I do think it’s a bit misguided. Of course, that’s just one guy’s opinion.

What some people may not realize is that before the movie was drenched in a pathetic wave of dreadful computer-generated monsters, Heijningen presented the studio with a workprint that contained an assortment of nifty practical effects. When the suits declared their hatred for that particular version, they forced the director to replace all of the physical effects with CGI. Rumor has it the workprint still exists, and apparently a lot of people want to see it.

If this sounds like something you’d also like to see, consider putting your virtual signature on Ronald Meyer’s Change.org petition. Meyer and nearly 1,500 people want the studio to release the workprint, and they’re hoping a bunch of signatures will prompt them to do so.

Here’s how Meyer explains the situation on Change.org.

‘The Thing’ from 1984 [is] considered to be one of the greatest sci-fi films of all time. The 2011 prequel, not so much. However, probably the biggest reason why people don’t like it is, because of the terrible-looking CGI. It started with the workprint. The executives HATED the practical effects and had them replaced almost completely. Amalgamated Dynamics’ practical work went to waste. The original workprint is unavailable to the public and the executives probably never looked at it twice. If this workprint is at least released onto a 10th Anniversary DVD in 2021, it’ll make quite a bit of money. TRUST ME. If it’s released on DVD, Blu-ray, and Digital Download, then people will probably like The Thing (2011) a lot more. Well, at least this version. Thank you, and have a good day.

Since Universal won’t release the workprint out of the goodness of their hardened Hollywood hearts, they’ll need to see some solid proof that there’s some genuine interest from consumers. So if you’d like to see the original, physical effects-packed version of 2011’s The Thing, then let the studio know you’re interested. Sign this petition and make your voice heard!

