Man Dresses Up as Michael Myers to Propose to His Girlfriend

When 30-year-old Alec Wells decided to pop the question to his girlfriend, Boys and Ghouls podcast host Katherine Canipe, he didn’t drop to one knee in the middle of an expensive restaurant or hire a singer to make the announcement during a concert. Instead, Wells dressed up like horror icon Michael Myers and staged a recreation of a famous scene from John Carpenter’s Halloween.
Since his girlfriend (now fiancee) is a huge horror fan, popping around the corner in a neighborhood dressed as a notorious cinematic serial killer didn’t send her screaming for the proverbial hills. Instead, she burst into tears and accepted his incredibly unique proposal. Although some might think it’s a little strange to propose in such a bizarre manner, Canipe seemed over the moon with it.
Curious to see the proposal go down? Check out the video below.