New Blade Movie May Focus on His Daughter; Comic Delayed

As you would have no doubt heard unless you’ve been living under a rock, Marvel is pulling a DC and rebooting its 616 and Ultimate Universes, with the intention being to merge them into a new continuity that will presumably resemble that of the Cinematic Universe. How’s that for a mouthful?
As we told you previously, one of the titles launching in this new continuity will be the saga of the daywalker himself, Blade, only it won’t be about the classic half-human half-vampire warrior, but rather his daughter, Fallon Grey. Initially she lives a normal life and is unaware of her heritage, until she is forced to fight to defend her town from evil forces.
What’s interesting is that the comic was delayed, which according to Bleeding Cool was because Marvel plans to make Grey the protagonist of the new Blade movie, with Wesley Snipes presumably returning in a supporting role as her father, so Marvel don’t want the character to be out there just yet so that they can have more control over her appearance in the film.
The first Blade film was released in 1998, grossed $131 million worldwide, and is often attributed as kickstarting the comic book movie craze. Despite being a popular character for Marvel, he hasn’t had his own ongoing series since 2007, which only lasted 12 issues, so even if he does return only as a supporting character, we would still welcome him back.