More Serial Killers Coming to Your House
I’ve got a wacky idea. Indie horror filmmakers Ulli Lommel and Michael Feifer should have a fight, and only the winner is allowed to make any more movies based on the exploits of real-life serial killers. I’d be cheering for Feifer, if only because he at least attempts to make actual movies.
Michael Feifer has been quite the busy beaver of late with two serial killer thrillers debuting on DVD: last month’s B.T.K. (review), which Heather found surprisingly effective, and next month’s Bundy: A Legacy of Evil (review), which I found to be quite pointless. Feifer has yet another coming to DVD in the form of Drifter: Henry Lee Lucas starring Antonio Sabato, Jr. as the notorious serial killer responsible for 350 murders during his rampage from 1975 to 1983.
Antonio Sabato, Jr. as Henry Lee Lucas? Say what? I know what Henry Lee Lucas looked like. You can slap some scruffy facial hair on Antonio Sabato, Jr., and he still won’t look anything like Henry Lee Lucas. Just looking at the box art, he looks more like Sylvester Stallone circa Lock Up than Lucas. What’s next? Remake Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer with Mario Lopez?
I could always be wrong. The film won some awards at the Beverly Hills Film Festival not too long ago, including Sabato Jr.’s performance. We can all judge for ourselves when Lionsgate puts out Drifter: Henry Lee Lucas on September 9th.
That film will almost assuredly be better than what Ulli Lommel has in store for us with Night Stalker, which is coming to DVD on September 8th courtesy of North American Pictures.
It’s based on the true story of satanic serial killer Richard Ramirez (AKA “The Night Stalker”), but given this is a Ulli Lommel movie, there’s a high probability that the only aspect of the movie that has anything in common with the true facts of the case is that there is a serial killer named Richard Ramirez and he was a Satanist. The rest will most likely be the typical Lommel no-budget minimalist bullshit with delusions of artistic grandeur.
Now do you want a good laugh? If you click over to Amazon right now, you can pre-order yourself a copy of Night Stalker for only $48.99. Hey, that’s a $21 savings off the list price of $69.99.
Either someone at Amazon screwed up the pricing information or Ulli Lommel is even more delusional than we all thought.
– The Foywonder
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