Bill Murray Talks About Ghostbusters Cameo

For the past several years Bill Murray was very vocal about not appearing in any more Ghostbusters movies, but once Paul Feig’s female-driven Ghostbusters reboot began lensing, he had a change of heart. He recently explained to Vulture why.
“That’s true, I wasn’t,” Murray told the site regarding not being interested in being in another Ghostbusters film. It was through the addition of actresses like Wiig and McCarthy — whom he called “a great hope” — that changed his mind. “I like those girls a lot,” he said. “I mean, I really do. They are tough to say no to. And Paul is a real nice fellow. You know, they were incredibly nice to ask me, and I really enjoyed being there,” Murray continued. “They have such a jolly group, and they are going to have great success with this project. I didn’t want to overshadow [them] or anything, and I feel really good about it.”
“I thought about it for a very long time,” he said of possibly making an appearance in the movie. “Like, many, many months. No, that’s not right. I was seriously thinking about this for years, really … It kept eating at me, and I really respect those girls. And then I started to feel like if I didn’t do this movie, maybe somebody would write a bad review or something, thinking there was some sort of disapproval [on my part].”
In Ghostbusters, Melissa McCarthy is Abby Yates, Kristen Wiig is Erin Gilbert, Leslie Jones is Patty Tolan, and Kate McKinnon is Jillian Holtzmann.
Wiig and McCarthy play a pair of unheralded authors who write a book positing that ghosts are real. Flash-forward a few years and Wiig lands a prestigious teaching position at Columbia U. Which is pretty sweet, until her book resurfaces and she is laughed out of academia.
Wiig reunites with McCarthy and the other two proton pack-packing phantom wranglers, and she gets some sweet revenge when ghosts invade Manhattan and she and her team have to save the world.
The Ghostbusters reboot will haunt the big screen on July 15, 2016.